March 21, 2023

Goodbye bedbugs

Goodbye bedbugs - hello Valpas!

Goodbye bedbugs - hello Valpas! And it couldn't be easier. Change your hotel bed legs to Valpas bed legs and connect to your mobile and website. If you have beds without legs, Valpas bed legs can be integrated there as well. This way you avoid financial losses, increase guest satisfaction and stop using harmful pesticides. There is no better way to say it than Henrik Lind, General Manager, Hotel Royal in Gothenburg.

"I was really surprised how easy Valpas was to install and use - it's nothing like the tech we normally have. When we have groups that visit, I tell them about our Valpas protocol. Sometimes they think I'm joking, because it just sounds too good to be true."

"No more unwelcome guests! Give us a call or send us an email and we'll tell you more.

Mail: info@hospitalityspecialist.seTelefon:+46-(0)-739-42 16 87

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